Tax Advisory

& Compliance

Tax laws regularly change.

Some tax advisors don’t change with them.

Make sure your business has their tax guy or girl’s finger on the pulse, keeping your business up to date with all the latest tax issues and new legislation.

What are our services?


Our Focus.


“I just sold my business!”
”Great! Did you get tax advice?”

We have heard this too many times to count.

Tax shouldn’t be the most important consideration with a material business issue or decision, however without advice, the option you choose may end up being BAD from a tax perspective.

You get legal advice before any big changes. Get some tax advice too.

Coming from a mid-tier and ATO background, we focus on almost all facets of the Australian tax system, however we have a special interest in the following areas:

  • Employee share (or option) schemes - particularly in the start-up space

  • CGT and small business CGT concessions;

  • Residency issues

  • ATO reviews and audits

  • Payroll tax and FBT


Health Checks.


Maybe you’re not ready to change accountants just yet. We get it - change is hard.

Just like seeing a doctor though, sometimes a second opinion can’t hurt.

With a capped fee, we can run a fresh set of eyes through your books and lodgements, giving you some pointers on the following:

  • Income tax, GST and employment tax processes (this is crucial for your business' tax corporate governance);

  • Tax treatment of key transactions.

We should also mention - if we do our review and things look great, we will tell you so!