About Us.

“You work in tax, right?” The answer was always yes, followed by one of these two responses:

  • “I work at the ATO, and whatever scenario you’re about to concoct is probably illegal”; or

  • “I work at a firm in the city, and just to get your foot in the door for tax advice will probably cost more than that foot itself”.

There had to be a better way to find that perfect sweet spot of city-quality tax advice in a Chartered Accounting firm, without the overhead costs, or suits and ties for that matter (despite the old LinkedIn photo below!).

We think we’ve found that sweet spot. Welcome to AKL Tax Advisory!

PS. We might just keep the long lunches though.

Who is AKL?


Andrew Law is the founder of AKL Tax Advisory.

He has over 13 years experience on both sides of the tax world, primarily:

  • The Australian Taxation Office; and

  • Various mid-tier accounting firms.

From chasing down tax criminals to advising international sports stars and listed multinational corporations on their Australian tax obligations, Andrew hasn’t seen it all.

But, add that to CA qualifications and an MTax degree, he’s seen a lot.