AKL Blog
How RSUs (and the RBA) are keeping me in a job
This may be your first year receiving ESS interests, and you may be considering if your tax obligations have moved past the “I can do it myself” stage, to the “this seems hard” stage.
If you’re tossing up whether to utilise a tax agent for the first time, it may actually make/save you money.
Hear me out. Atlassian employees with RSUs - this one’s for you.
Three years in!
AKL Tax turns three this month. Officially, anyway.
It’s gone fast. Seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the terrible twos. One year on, and we’re out of teething and charging forward into the world!
We’ve done some great work, for some really cool clients. The business is now so much more than a side hustle on the dining room table in a Cronulla apartment, which is quite crazy to think about.
So, what’s changed in the last 12 months?
Have RSUs? Don’t lodge your own tax return! (FY23 Version)
This may be your first year receiving ESS interests, and you may be considering if your tax obligations have moved past the “I can do it myself” stage, to the “this seems hard” stage.
If you’re tossing up whether to utilise a tax agent for the first time, it may actually make/save you money.
Hear me out. Atlassian employees with RSUs - this one’s for you.
The (long) version of why I started my own firm
It’s funny - someone asked recently what the catalyst was that resulted in my starting my own practice. As you’d expect, there were (and continue to be) many reasons.
But one stands out. It’s when my face literally stopped working.
What started as one of the worst things to ever happen to me, ended up being one of the best.
Have RSUs? Don’t lodge your own tax return!
This may be your first year receiving ESS interests, and you may be considering if your tax obligations have moved past the “I can do it myself” stage, to the “this seems hard” stage.
If you’re tossing up whether to utilise a tax agent for the first time, it may actually make/save you money.
Hear me out. Atlassian employees with RSUs - this one’s for you.
That’ll get your attention.
Parliament is finally back. And with it – potentially new tax legislation!
Whilst FIFA getting tax-exempt status impacts me very little, I am reasonably excited* about the introduction of the FBT exemptions for electric vehicles.
Valuations, Teal (again) and Running the Gauntlet
We are almost at year-end payroll reporting season. This includes ESS Statements.
What happens when you don’t agree with your employer’s market value?
Ft: jello and gladiators
Benefits of Utilising a Tax Agent
“The finger thing means the taxes”.
The only reason you’re running late with lodging your tax return is because you’re not lodging via a registered tax agent. It’s only due on 31 October if you’re doing it yourself.
It’s never too late to change that. This is one of a few useful reasons to lodge your tax returns via someone who does it for a living.
Getting married may cost you… for MLS, anyway
Now that weddings can actually happen again (in NSW, anyway – I have a friend who is now on his 5th wedding invite attempt), anyone who has been through the experience knows that it can and usually will cost you an arm and a leg.
During this festive period of choosing bouquets and bonbonnieres (I still can’t say this word properly) not much time gets devoted to fun stuff like you and your future spouse’s private health insurance (“PHI”) position.
Employee Incentive Schemes - Start-Ups
Here’s where tax, accounting and legal considerations all mesh together to ensure that your staff can get a slice of your start-up pizza, in the most efficient way possible.
2021 Budget Measures
Our Principal, Andrew Law, takes us through the 2021 budget. He has made a video to explain the key points.